
Welcome Students!

Thanks for checking us out! We are a strong group of student and adult leaders having a ton of fun as we continue to grow in following Jesus together. Our mission is simple…we are calling students to respond to Christ, follow Jesus, and invite others to do the same. 
Pastor of Students
Brendan Keener
Student Ministries Assistant
Samantha Bare

Our Student Ministries

High school students are crazy fun! Seriously! We don’t always understand what they are saying with the newest pop lingo BUT we love hanging out with them. It is our privilege to walk with high school students as they are trying to navigate through friendships, discover the truth, and find answers to the many hard questions of life. We are here to have a ton of fun following Jesus together and learn how to seek God's guidance when life gets difficult and answers are hard to find.

We love middle school students! They have amazing energy, authenticity, and joyful fun-loving attitudes (most of the time). At the same time, they are working their way through some of the most transformational years of their life. We want middle school students to know that Jesus has and is the most important answer to the two biggest questions they may ask… “Who am I?” And “What do I really believe?”